Our story


Diksmuidse boterkoeken

The small artisanal bakery was founded during the years 1940 in Esen, part of the city Diksmuide, as bakery Tuyttens, which was well-known for its viennoiserie signature pastry. The local viennoiserie speciality was popularly called “Tuyttens’ Plakkoeken” because of the fact that they have a sticky sugar layer on top. The layer of sugar is still today the characteristic of the pastry. To promote the pastry, a new baseline was chosen in 2018: “The taste that sticks”.

In 1978 the Vanlerberghe family takes over the bakery and its unique recipe for the sugared viennoiserie pastry. From then onwards, the pastry is called “Diksmuidse Boterkoek”.



Boules de Berlin, Berliners, Krapfen, Pfannkuchen, Bomboloni, ... a sweet indulgence, which takes people back to their childhood memories. Especially in Belgium, the berliner is consumed a lot at the Belgian coast during the summer holidays.

Since 1988, Joriba is the reference for the production of Boules de Berlin. As the biggest Belgian producer of this sweet pastry, throughout the years, a tremendous know-how was built in-house. Most of the berliners which people buy at the artisanal bakery, or in Belgian retail, have its origin in our plant.

As market leader, Joriba still has a lot of new plans with this pastry, as example, Joriba is producing the first mini-berliner range in Belgium.



In the eighteenth century, the eclair was invented by the French Marie-Antoine Carême, who got the name of being "the king of the chefs and the chef of the kings", and was important for French gastronomy in general. This French speciality pastry has also grown as the classic of Belgian pastries, but with its own Belgian twist: filled with a delicious crème patissière, a combination which makes the French still frown.

Starting from an authentic recipe and pure ingredients, no premixes, Joriba produces artisanal eclairs since 2006.

The eclairs are sold empty ("ready-to-fill") via the bakery wholesalers to the artisanal bakeries, of fully finished ("ready-to-eat") to the food service distributors or premium retailers.

Joriba is able to make eclairs in all kinds of shapes, with different fillings, and different decorations, and can call themselvers, the Belgian specialist of this delicious Franco-Belge pastry.


Mini Pastries

Under the ownership of the Ide family, Joriba chooses for an acceleration in its growth. Among other products, Joriba developed a range of new mini pastries as complement to its existing product assortment, headed by the mini berliners. Even smaller, even better taste.

Next to the mini berliners, also mini eclairs, mini choux, and other mini pastries were developed for this new mini pastry range. Not only well-know combinations, but also new combinations in fillings and decorations were developed.

Joriba still focuses on the products they can make best: berliners, choux pastry and other artisanal easy-to-eat pastries, however the range of possibilities has grown: different shapes for the basic product, new fillings en new finishings. Artisanal and frozen. Ready for every client's request. Future-proof.